Updated: offers helpful guidance to people concerned about sexual harassment

Our law firm receives many calls from people who are experiencing sexual harassment at work.  They usually want to know their rights and some advice on what they can do to try to get the harassment to stop.  Our firm is happy to help but there is also another resource that everyone concerned about sexual harassment in the workplace should know about – sprung out of the #metoo movement.  It contains helpful resources and guidance for individuals and organizations, including victims of sexual harassment and people who want to help victims.  You can go to the website if you want information about your rights and how you can enforce them.  There are also links to resources for victims of sexual harassment, such as the advocates at the Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MECASA).

An increasing number of employers are taking the #MaineCanDo pledge to do more to prevent and address sexual harassment in their workplaces. also contains a lot of helpful information for employers to assist them in combatting sexual harassment in their workplaces.  If your employer is not on the list of organizations that has taken the #MaineCanDo pledge, you may want to ask your employer if it will take the pledge.

It is important to understand that the information on is no substitute for legal advice tailored to your particular situation.  If you are a Mainer in need of legal advice about sexual harassment, you should review the information on and then contact an experienced employment lawyer for further advice.

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